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Winter Massacre

White snow glistening against the soft moonlight

Footsteps following the path at night

Step by step, closer they get

A picturesque cabin nestled in the forest

Silent now

There are no chirps

The birds sit still

The wolves they lurk

The feeling of unease grows as we get close

Unnerving still is the silence at work

No other tracks cut into the snow

How odd the silence plaguing the forest still

Cautiously treading

The cabin grows near

Heart rate increasing

What will be found here?

The door slips open, not locked nor shut

As silent inside as it was out

Six pairs of shoes lined up by the door

So neat and so carefully placed


But no reply heard

Neither a creak nor a peep

It sounds so absurd

Hair standing on end

Is someone else here?

Slowly the steps take us deeper in

Blood on the walls, on the floor and the chairs

In front of the fireplace

A body lay there

Surrounded in blood but no head to be found

A few feet away another body there lay

Stomach churning at the sight

Carefully we walk through the door

By the sink lay three bodies more

All missing heads

Slumped on the floor

Blood soaked into the dark pine floor

Five body’s total

No more to be found

A soft warm breeze across my neck

 The cool sleek blade makes no sound


A voice behind me whispers

Welcome to the winter massacre


-Tanya Petkau

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