Whispers among the trees
Calling out to me
In a daze, I close my eyes
Feeling the words deep in my soul
Easing the pain in my heart, my brain
Soothing the scars along my arms
Like a cool cloth on a humid day
One foot in front of the other
Slowly moving forwards
Towards the trees
A gentle wind guiding me
It feels like coming home
Standing right on the edge
I wait for the whispers
A perfectly still silhouette against the dark night sky
Only the stars to keep me company
An overwhelming sense of peace flowing like a river through my body
A patience unbeknownst to me
Unnatural, it would seem to be
Except here
On the edge
Everything fades away
I am a new person
A patient person
Free from all the ailments that earth caused me
And I only have gratitude for them
The whispers
They set me free
-Tanya Petkau