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Come and Gone

7 years have come and gone

Deep beneath the earth you lay

No more will you watch dusk or dawn

I wish we had just one more day

You were my knight

My inspiration 

You brought in my life a light

You built in me a strong foundation 

To be who I am today

I miss you most on special days

I miss your voice

Your silent ways

The way you held me

When my thoughts went astray

Gave me a shoulder to lean on 

On my darkest days

My light burnt out

When you were gone

Deep into the abyss

My heart was gone

Shattered now in little slivers

It took me years

To mend myself

And longer still to overcome my fears

I kept in mind

What you had wished

For me to live

A life of bliss

You loved me more

Than I could know

Now with that gift

My heart will beat

With little fear

And little dread

For one day

We will meet again

-Tanya Petkau

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