How can one go through life in the light?
Darkness holds her secrets, her desire and her fears
Coming to life at night, the nightmares are very real
Reality is her escape, keeping her sane from all the hurt, pain and tears
Deep in the darkness her emotions rip holes in the fabric of her being
Slow, jagged strokes ripping their way across her skin
No blood comes out beneath the layers because although she's standing here, she's not alive
Her heart beats no more and her eyes are sunken
Her fingers and toes cold as ice
Underneath the pale blue of her lips lay words unspoken
Keeping her from life, secrets that torment the creatures laying in wait
Her body not decaying, her brain not delaying the thoughts and all of her fears
Paralyzed she stands in the darkness
Not moving, not even an inch
No breath nor sound can be heard seeping
Deep from the underground
Eyes pale, lifeless and looming over everything that lay in the path of her being
Cold, heartless and left for dead
The anger is reaping all in its way
Building and growing fury day by day
Like a volcano it grows
Light has never seen such a fate
Exploding it causes damage to beings around it
More death and more decay
Her lifeless being still laying in wait
Like a corpse she has no time limit
For years she'll lay there in wait
Slowly you'll start seeing a change
A small smirk graces her face
-Tanya Petkau-