Mind Games
Deeply you slumber
Peacefully breathing
Slow, rhythmic breaths
No need for disturbance
Softly we whisper
The words drift in your ear
A subconscious decision
These words will now bare
A trancelike mist
Cloaks your dreams
Covers your eyes
Persuading you to take heed
Of the words leading to your demise
Like clockwork it starts
Building upon dreams
Everyday thoughts
Can no longer be trusted
A mind game in session
What’s real, what’s fake?
Causing unnatural obsession
Blurring the lines between the good and the bad
Creating a madness
An unholy fad
Night after night
The whispers grow darker, sucking your life
Presenting tantalizing offers
“Do as we say”
For life to follow will only get better
Under the spell
The voices I hear
Playing with my mind
As I silently follow
-Tanya Petkau